This week has been full of joys and sorrows.
- My Uncle Maurice(my dad's oldest brother) passed away at age 85 from complications following a successful aortic valve replacement and 3 by pass. He was hospitalized for 7 weeks.
- My baby brother(age 49) has been diagnosed with colon cancer.
- My sister-in-law had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and the surgery was successful but are now waiting to hear if there will be further chemotherapy.
- My baby brother's cancer may very well be operable and full recovery expected.
- We celebrated my 10th grandchild's 3rd birthday with most of the family and had a great time. This little one was so appreciative of all his gifts. He kept marveling over each one. I love it when a child doesn't take these things for granted.
- I was able to speak with my aunt(wife of deceased uncle) and had a wonderful conversation on the telephone.
My prayer is that the freedom we have known in this country will not be jeopardized by the person that may be elected for President this next November. I fear the connections that Obama has had with Terrorist-types who have no respect for our country and its founding principles. He wants to make the country into something it has never been before with these Terrorist-types manipulating him like a puppet. Almost like the movie Manchurian Candidate. That movie had a somewhat positive ending, but I don't see the election of Obama as being positive.
If he is elected it may be God's judgement on our country for turning away from the God of our Fathers. God is responsible for raising up rulers and bringing them down for His own good purpose and to display His glory.
McCain does not have the connections that Obama has and would be better. He does have a lot of liberal big government ideas that can be problematic. Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air and is speaking more like a reformer than McCain or Obama. I don't know what influence she may have as Vice President,but it is fun to hear her articulate some of the things that many of us have been thinking and no one has been voicing. I just hope and pray that Americans will wake up to the dangers that lie before us or we may see a time in the near future when chaos will reign and most of our freedoms will be taken away. This may be the election that determines how quickly that comes upon us.
Generally the bible teaches that women should not teach or rule over men. But there are unique circumstances when there are no men of integrity to rule and God allows a woman to do so. It is a shame to the men for abandoning their mandate and responsibility. Ex. Deborah as a Judge in the Old Testament
Well enough of that. Food for thought