Sunday, December 18, 2011

Visit from the VA Sullys

Next weekend we look forward to a visit from our son and his family from Virginia.  It is always great to have them in our home and spend time together.  They have a full schedule planned.  The cousins love spending time together.  It sounds like there will be a boy cousin sleepover at one home and a girl cousin sleepover occurring at the same time at another home.  What fun!!  We will have a family reunion on Saturday.  It is wonderful for us all to be together.  We pray for traveling mercies for Tom and Amber and children.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Our new used car

This is the new/used vehicle we purchased a week or two ago.  It is a 2005 Mitzubishi, Lancer ES 4 dr sedan.  We got it for a good price and had all the maintenance issues taken care of i.e. timing belt(included water pump and other belts) , transmission flush, corroded battery connectors, and a tune up.  Oh yes,  add in there a co2 senser, not included in the estimate :-(
All in all we are happy with our purchase.  I think it is funny that when we looked at it my hubby didn't even drive it because he was unsure about purchasing this small of a car.  So he said to me who will be driving this? and I said I will.  He seemed satisfied with the answer until after he drove it a couple of times..... it seems he has logged more miles on it than I have.  Soooo we jokingly fight over who will drive it each day.  It is fun to do drive and it looks pretty nice as well.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A day off

It was wonderful today to have the day off from my employment at the shoe repair shop.  I was able to accomplish all of the laundry, vaccuming, tidying up most areas of the house, made the bed, spot mopped the linoleum/floor covering....only the dishes remain.  I have them under control but need to finish them.  It is late enough tonight that I may finish them in the morning.  I will be off tomorrow until 1pm and then Thursday half a day as well. 

The weather was very cool this morning around 50's and got up to the low 80's and then cooled down again.  It was a beautiful day!!!God is gracious and merciful in allowing me to be experiencing a measure of good health today after an exceedingly difficult weekend of excessive fatigue.  Thank you Lord!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Recent Birthday #2

We sang Happy Birthday to Ethan, Thad, and Bryan, however Bryan declined any candles to represent his age.  I wonder why???

Recent Birthday

Thad was celebrating his first birthday but not with cake.  He had a blueberry crumble made by big brother Gavin.  Thad looooovvvvveeeessss blueberries as does his daddy Bryan.  We actually celebrated three birthdays all at once.  Bryan's was August 26, Thad's August 31, and Ethan September 1.  I have a video I hope to post that has Ethan in it.

I have given all my grandsons their first haircut and I was invited to give Thad his first haircut on the celebration of his first birthday.  He did very well.  Mama gave him fresh blueberries to eat to keep him busy while Grandma did the haircut. :-)

He was a cuddle bug here.  He has a sober look much of the time but he does know how to smile.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Birthday for Stonewall

This is a picture of the vehicles to be made from this lego-like kit.  A Carz cap and a Carz shirt inside a Carz drawstring bag that I made.  This was our gift to Stonewall.

What Kerry is laughing about is-when Stonewall opened the gift of lego like army vehicles to make, Sam said "Stonewall I am going to have to help you with those!"
We all just laughed.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lovely clouds in the east at Sunset with bright moon shining in daylight

I took this outdoors.  But I took another indoors first.  I was positioned looking out the kitchen window at an angle and I got a cool and very mind boggling reflection from the living room lamps in the photo.  Check this out.

Flower beds for end of Summer beginning Fall





Thursday, September 8, 2011

This is the Parker Family +1
(plus 1 was Erik visiting and working for the summer)
This was on the last day of our visit in July this year.  Notice all are shoeless.  Poor things. :-)
These folks showed us hospitality plus, good Christian fellowship and just an all round good time.  We stayed for about 5 days.  We went to an air show, Farmer's Market, celebrated the Fourth of July, had homemade ice cream and old fashioned baked beans, not necessarily in that order.
We love you Parkers!