Someone asked Isaac to smile
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The baby goat's name is Lazarus. He is the sweetest tiniest little goat I have ever seen. He is runt of a set of triplets born to Marci, his mother. He nearly died the first night. As soon as my daughter-in-law discovered he was losing ground, she brought him into the house and gave him a bottle and warmed him up near the wood stove. By next morning he was standing and looked like he might make it. The change was so dramatic that they named him Lazarus. You can see for yourself that he is doing well right now. He goes outside with his mama and brothers during the day but mama does not allow him to nurse. So Lazarus gets fed by whoever is available every 4 hours or so. He comes in at night so that he can be given his 3:00am feeding more easily. Grandson Isaac is giving him his bottle in the photo and Lazarus is loving it. Isaac will run through the kitchen and Lazarus chases after him. They have a lot of fun together....or so it seems. Isaac and siblings will be getting a new brother or sister within about 4 weeks. By then Lazarus will probably be staying outside.