This morning I was getting ready to get in the car to go to work and I discovered the chickens, all of them in my impatiens flower bed! I started shooing them away and then realized I should have taken a pic of them in the flower bed. Ooops! They were already scattering. So I ran in, got the camera and took these shots. I tried to enlarge them so that you can see them better. They were running behind the homes to the east of ours. This gives you an idea of what I am up against in trying to protect my flowers. I thought only the little ones were on this side of the fence, but the whole crew is able to get through the fence. By the way, these two hens with chicks are only part of the whole flock. There is a rooster, and 3 other hens that don't have babies. They keep their distance from the chick brood.
We should come catch those chickens and bring them home. I would love to have some chickens that were broody! Sorry they are being so pesky. Can you find where they are laying their eggs - then they wouldn't hatch anymore and you would get some free eggs in exchange for the trouble with the flowers. :-)
It would be lovely to have access to the eggs. I actually did some checking around on this side of the fence but alas, I think all the good stuff is on the other side of the fence where we cannot go.
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