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Sunday, May 24, 2009
The one who rules the Roost
This is the Rooster who rules the Roost of hens and chicks. Right now he has in his company only 2 hens without chicks. I couldn't get them in the picture with the Royal one. The 2 other hens still remain separate with their 13 chickens which are beginning to look more like hens themselves, they are growing so fast. This dude can be heard crowing any hour of the day or night. Midnight, 3 a.m., 4 a.m., etc. Wonder when he sleeps??
I am the Wife of a godly Husband, Mother of two Sons and one Daughter, Grandmother of six Grand-daughters and twelve Grandsons. Two of my children were home schooled and all of my grandchildren are being home schooled. I am very blessed.
My first job has been a mother and homemaker. I have been a teacher of Kindergarten and grades 3-4, as well as music teacher in a Christian School. I was a Choir Director in my church in Illinois for 14 years and have sung for many weddings, special events, and funerals over the years. I owned my own Drycleaning and Shoe Repair Store, managed a retail shoe store, and my husband and I helped our older son in his own Shoe Repair business see At present we have changed locations and my husband is employed by our youngest son in his plumbing office and I am retired from work outside the home. See
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